FRIENDS now lets learn how to create a website .To design a website we need to follow 5 goes the 5 steps.
Step 1 – Register Your Domain Name
Step 2 – Setup Your Hosting Account
Step 3 – Set The Domain Servers At The Registrar
Step 4 – Installing WordPress In A Few Clicks
Step 5 – Configure WordPress
just by following these 5 steps we will have your site up and running in no time.
Step 1 – Register Your Domain Name
There are many websites that can help you register a domain name, although one of the best domain registrars to choose is You can simply register and secure your domain name for under $12 sometimes cheaper depending on the deals they have.
Simply go to and you will see a screen that looks like the picture below; enter your desired name into the box and press GO!
If your domain name is available there will be a screen that looks like this, simply press the ADD button and it will continue onto the registration process. If you choose a domain that is already taken just keep trying until you find one that is available.
You will be presented with a bunch of offers throughout the process, I would recommend to decline them all at this stage as you can come back at a later stage to add the different things if you like, Godaddy is a really good domain registrar but I would recommend also to try a different company for web hosting (you will see why later). Once you have purchased the domain and everything is processed you should receive an email with all your relevant info.
woho now you have now purchased your domain!
Step 2 – Setup Your Hosting Account
Ok now that you’ve got your domain name registered and ready to go, you’ll need to host it somewhere. To get your website published on the web, you’re going to need to purchase a web hosting account and then upload it to the internet. How do you pick from all the different ones available? It’s actually really easy, there are 2 main rules you should follow when deciding on the best hosting company to use.
1. Avoid cheap offers from non reputable companies
2. Pick a well established, highly regarded company
We recommend our customers use a well priced and established company called
How Do You Setup Your Hostgator Account?
Firstly you will need to go to the hostgator website by clicking this link:
When you get there click on
“View Web Hosting Plans” and then you will see a screen like this:
We will use the
“Hatchling Plan” to begin with as we only have the one domain to host, so decide how long you want to run for and hit the
“Order Now” button.
As we have already purchased our domain use the box on the right and enter our domain we just purchased and press
“Continue To Step 2″.
Hot Tip – If you sign up for 2 years you will instantly save 35 dollars
We have secured a 25% discount code for all our customers so enter the words
WEBSITECREATION like the picture shows below to secure your immediate discount.
Fill in all the account information and once you are done hit Create Account and you are ready to roll. You should receive an email with all relevant information in it, keep this in a safe place as we need the details in step 3 and for your future reference.
See how easy it is to do, it took you about 10 minutes or so to do these first 2 steps. Well Done!
Step 3 – Set The Name Servers At The Registrar
Next, you’ll need to alter the Domain Name Servers at the domain register. Once the Hostgator sends you the Account Login Information email, you’ll find those name server specifics, which usually begin with “NS1, NS2, NS12, etc. If you can’t find this information, be sure to talk with them either by email or phone and they’ll provide you with the information associated with the hosting account.
So go to and log in with your details.
1 – Once logged in, hover over the Domain tab and then click Domain Management. There, you’ll have a list of domain names that you registered with the company.
2 – Highlight the Domain name and click on it.
3 – On the next page (see pic), where it says name servers, click the tab that says Set Name Servers
4 – Click the tab that says I have specific nameservers for my domains
5 – In the boxes named
Nameserver 1 and
Nameserver 2 enter the details that were sent to you when you signed up for your Hostgator account then click ok. (It should be in your email)
That’s it, your are done for now it may take some time to become active, sometimes up to 48 hours but usually its a lot quicker.
If you’re having difficulties changing your Name Servers, get in touch with Hostagor so they can walk you through the process. Their support system is fantastic for people wanting some assistance or use our contact us page and we will be happy to assist you at any stage of the process.
Step 4 – Installing WordPress
WordPress is a blogging platform that allows you to effortlessly choose the design and theme for your website. It also allows you to create pages for it and publish them online with little effort. To get WordPress installed on your website, you’ll need to go to the cPanel on the hosting account. Bear in mind that you have to wait until after the 48 hours at the most (it’s usually sooner) of changing your Name Servers to do this. Once you can, open cPanel through the URL. (Ex.
If you have successfully changed the Name Servers, you’ll get a popup that will ask for a username and password for the cPanel. Refer back to the account information email you received from hostgator, all your relevant details should be in that email.
1. Once you can log into the cPanel using the URL, head to the Fantastico De Luxe option by clicking on it.
2. When it opens, find the WordPress option under Blogs.
3. Choose WordPress and then on New Installation.
4. On the next page, choose the domain name you’ll be installing WordPress on. Be sure you type in your email address, powerful password and any information that’s requested. Keep in mind that you can change these later on using the WordPress Admin panel once you’ve installed it. Now, press “Install WordPress” to see the last page.
5. Now, choose “Finish Installation” so that WordPress will be entirely installed onto the domain.
6. That’s it great work, when you visit your website, you’ll find the default WordPress blog page with a greeting.
If you see that, you know you’ve installed it correctly. It’s not uncommon for a delay in WordPress showing up; it all depends on the server configuration of hostagtor.
Step 5 – Setup WordPress and Publish Your Website
After you have installed WordPress, you’ll need to do the following things:
- – Configure WordPress
- – Select Design
- – Contribute Content
- - Publish
- When you need to configure WordPress, you’ll need to log into the admin area by typing in your actual domain name and then after the .com, type in /wp-admin. After you do this, find the “configure various settings” button using the Settings option.
- When you’re ready to choose a design, do the following things: Appearances, Themes, Install Themes. When you get to the Install Themes option, you can pick a variety of things for your website. If you need help, choose “Find Themes”.
Just choose the theme you like best and hit install. Once it’s done, activate it. If you don’t like it, continue doing this step until you find one you like. Go to Appearance, Themes and Manage Themes to keep track of all of them.
- Once you have your theme, go to “Pages, Add New”. Here, you’ll be able to give a page its heading and page content. You can alter the font, colors and whatever else from the toolbar. Once you’re happy with what you have laid out, hit the PUBLISH button to publish the page. Be sure you design your other pages in exactly the same way.
- Once this is done, go to option front page and adjust the radio button choice from “A Static Page” from “Your Latest Posts”.
- Choose the “Page Name” from the “Front Page” selection. This tells the program want to show as the homepage. Now, hit the Save Changes button and voila! Your site is now available for all to see!
Whenever you want to alter your pages, you can do so anytime you want. Everything about your site is under your control so you can update it anytime you feel the need to. Keep in mind that WordPress is extremely popular with thousands of designs, features and plugins. Just remember to play with it and you’ll learn something new each time you do.
Thats it frnds follow the 5 steps correctly then there u can have ur own website.Gudluck :)